Warranty Deed

Warranty Deed


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All you need to know about the free warranty deed form printable

What is a warranty deed?

A free warranty deed form printable is a written form that guarantees that a particular property or land is free of debt and the seller can sell the property to the buyer. If a person has to sell his property or land to another person, then both the parties need to sign the warranty deed. These forms are a legal proof that the land is to be sold to a new owner and now he holds the rights and ownership to the same.

Things included in the form

A free warranty deed form printable is a legal form and it can’t be created by any person. But, the person needs to visit the property department and ask for the warranty deed form. The form will include the following information:

  • Name of the seller as well as the buyer
  • Price at which the property is sold
  • Date of the actual deal
  • The signature of the buyer and seller, witnesses and the registrar

Information required for the warranty deed

  • Name and address of the buyer and seller

The seller’s name as appearing on the legal property statement should be mentioned whereas the buyer can fill in the name that he wants to appear on the warranty deed form

  • Description of the property

The legal description regarding the property should be obtained from the local property department.

  • Specify whether there is exchange of money

Many a times, when the legal transfer is between members of the same family, then there is no money involved in the transfer. This should to be specified.

  • Specify the person who will get to keep the legal deed

The person that should get the original copy of the deed should be specified.

Simple Warranty Deed Template

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