Seller Property Disclosure Statement
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Provide discount with Free Printable Sellers Disclosure Statement Form
A buyer is eligible for a discount when he is buying an apartment or any other goods or services. This is known as sellers’ discount. This discount is provided by the seller to lure customers. While signing the agreement, the terms of the sellers discount need to be mentioned in Free Printable Sellers Disclosure Statement Form.
Some of the terms which we need to be familiar with while discussing sellers discount statement form are:
- Deed: The deed is that document which officially states the transfer of the property from the buyer to the seller.
- Discount point: The buyer needs to pay a negotiable fee to the buyer. Discount charges are applied on the interest rate. If a person gets a discount point, it will be deducted from the loan amount.
- Escrow fee: Escrow fee is divided between the buyer and the seller. This fee is paid to that company which deals with the transaction, to escrow the documents of the house.
- Recording fee: The recording fee is that amount which needs to be paid to the official clerk to keep a recorded copy of the legal documents.
- Title: When it comes to real estate properties, the title refers to ownership of the property.
- Title policy: you need to mention the insurance policies involved in the apartment when you are talking about title policy.
As a real estate seller, keep detailed information about the above-mentioned points and mention the details in Free Printable Sellers Disclosure Statement Form.
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