Lease Agreement Template
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What is a lease agreement template
Lease agreement template is a legal document that ensures the rights of both the landlord or lessor and the tenant or the lessee. The lease agreement template is signed by both the landlord and tenant and signifies the terms and conditions both have agreed upon at the time of the lease of the property. The agreement can be on various aspects of the lease like who is the property rented to, what kind of property is rented, for how long, how much is the rent, etc. the agreement protects the tenant as well as the owner of the property.
How is a lease agreement template related to real estate
The lease agreement template is directly related to the real estate as it is a evidence that a property owned by one person is being used by another person for a limited period of time but that doesn’t change the ownership of the real estate property. The lease agreement template should be formulated carefully keeping in mind the interest of the owner, the tenant and the laws of the land. The template is actually a document that is bound by the law and is legally acceptable for the tenant and the owner. The lease agreement template should comprise of the following details of both the parties
- The full name, address and contact information of both the parties.
- The full detail of the property being leased
- The terms and conditions of the use of the property including the duration for which the property is being leased.
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Thank you so much for sharing this sample template with us!
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Thanks for sharing
very nice .. thank you
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